I’ve been planning to write on this subject since a while, but never had the opportunity to do so, so today here’s an un-edited piece I just wrote on the topic of ‘Growth’.
There's good growth and then there's bad growth. If you're just focussed on growth you'll end up taking hasty decisions to keep up your pace, your pace shouldn't be defined by the ecosystem you function in, it should be defined by a strategy and a plan of action that you need to put in place to reach where you've aimed for.
Analogically speaking, getting fat is growth too, but not the right kind of growth. So if you think you're growing in position but not in learning, then that's the wrong kind of growth. Growth is about embracing the opportunities that come your way, which make yourself better every day.
Over the last few years because of the start-up trend and VC trend I’ve come across a lot of entrepreneurs who just want to grow at the rate they want to because they need to meet targets, and that’s in my terminology, hollow growth, numbers that are being followed because you want to reach point B from A. If you really want to flourish in business and become a successful entrepreneur in India, grow slow, but grow well, grow holistically, grow your infrastructure, grow your skill-sets, grow your employees.
#GrowTogether, almost like a tree!
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